Guadeloupe's Contemporary
Art Scene by Karen Joslin
"Caribbean art," and the most likely images which come to mind are vibrant
tropical scenes and soothing ocean vistas. But in the case of Guadeloupe's
contemporary art scene, you may be surprised to discover a wealth of originality.
While Guadeloupe's artists do call upon island influences in creating their
works, the results are often far from expected.

Meaning "the Caribbean colors,"
Koukara began in 1988. Still Guadeloupe's major art movement today, Koukara
emphasizes the unity of the Caribbean people. Founded by art professors
Klodi Cancelier, Lucien Léogane, and Jacques Lampécinado,
its avant-garde aesthetic tends to be abstract or surreal, often with indigenous
The most distinctive characteristic
of the movement, the Fibressences method is employed by artists in making
mixed media pieces. Fibressences incorporates natural materials in artworks,
such as bits of wood, coconut fibers, sugar cane, and sand. These elements
add an interesting three-dimensional quality to the work, as well as creating
a close connection to the environment. Paintings in vibrant and deep hues
make up the majority of pieces, but there are some exceptions. Karine Gabon
paints on hanging fabrics and other materials, with an earth-toned color
palette that enhances her primitive motifs; she also creates abstract sculptures.
And Klodi Cancelier's paper series juxtaposed pieces of handmade papers
painted with different colors and symbols.

Since its birth, the Koukara
group has continued to grow. With many of Guadeloupe's artists taking part
in the movement, its style and ideals will likely remain strong in the
coming years.
Other Contemporary Art
Although Koukara is the predominant
genre, other styles of art are displayed on Guadeloupe, too. Thierry Bergame's
surreal pop art displays a singular style and sense of humor. On the other
hand, Déglas paints scenes with lighter tones and in a more naturalistic
style, though he often includes fantastic elements like anthropomorphic
animals and skeletons. Jean-Marc Hunt mainly uses objects like tools, pieces
of wood, and even a sewing machine to create his sculptures. And while
his paintings share a similar style with the Koukara group, his subject
matter is generally quite different.

International acclaim has
shone a spotlight on Guadeloupe's contemporary art scene. Its artists have
participated in exhibits throughout the Caribbean, France, the U.S., Canada,
and Costa Rica. In spite of its relatively small size, this island nation
cultivates big talent.