Travel Guide
is the capital city of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein and has a
population of roughly 240,000. It is located at the Baltic Sea at the end
of the "Kieler Förde".
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the Second World War, Kiel was severely bombed, because of its submarine-producing
shipyard. Both civil and military ships are being built in Kiel nowadays
and the tall cranes dominate the eastern shore of the Förde (fjord).
The bombing destroyed almost
all historic buildings in Kiel and even the older looking buildings were
built after WW2. So, if you come to the "Kieler Schloss" (Kieler Castle)
don't be disappointed. There isn't much left of the original building.
During the rebuilding after WW2, mostly modern architecture was used.
Get around
Kiel has a relatively good
public transport system based on buses and ferries, both operated by VRK.
The taxi service is good, but expensive.
Kiel is very flat, and bicycles
can be hired at various places. It is quite an easy day to ride from Kiel
to Laboe, catch a ferry to Strande, and cycle back to Kiel.
and things to do:
The main tourist attraction
is the Kieler Woche ("Kiel Week") at the end of June. See
below for more information.
Also famous is in Laboe (part
of Kiel on the east-side of the fjord) the only surviving Type VII-C
U-boat from World War 2 at the shore and the "Marine-Ehrenmal" (Navy
Memorial) with a high tower.
Kiel is famous for the Nord-Ostsee
Kanal (Kiel Canal), the world's busiest canal. It is possible to walk
or cycle for almost the entire length (99km) directly along the canal from
Kiel to Brunsbüttel (estuary of the Elbe, on the North Sea Coast),
staying overnight in the town of Rendsburg.
Kiel is the home of the German
Baltic fleet, and it is common to see all types of German warships
and submarines in the "Förde", including the training sailing vessel
Gorch Fock.
Besides being world's largest
sailing event the Kieler Woche is one of Germany's largest festivals. Apart
from the sailing, the entire center of the town is transformed into an
international food and craft fair, with regular big name performers appearing
nightly. Due to Kiel's high latitude nights in the summer are short. If
you intend to visit Kiel during this time book your hotel well ahead and
bear in mind that the waterfront and major parts of downtown will be inaccessible
for cars.
Information on events isposted
all over town and through a free magazine which will be distributed about
a month before the event. Events include entertainment for kids during
daytime throughout the entire week and lots of open air concerts. Most
concerts end around 11PM and nightlife moves to indoor venues as well as
the Eggerstedtstrasse.
Aside from an abundance of
food and drink outlets along the streets the International Market on the
Rathausmarkt is the place to go for food and drink. A few dozen countries
operate booths on the open-air market offering food and drinks from the
particular countries. The Kieler Nachrichten newspaper runs a special about
food on the market in its Saturday edition. If you cannot decide from the
endless choices head over to the Scandinavian area or to wherever crowds
are gathering.
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